Prima - Belső dekor és bútorgyártás WordPress téma
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

Változási napló
August 24, 2024:
- Minor bugs fixed.
Prima (February 06, 2024):
- WordPress 6.4 compatible;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.19 compatible;
- Minor bugs fixed.
Prima (July 28, 2023):
- WordPress 6.2.2 compatible;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.14 compatible;
- Minor bugs fixed.
Prima (September 29, 2022):
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.7 compatible;
- WordPress 6.0 compatible.
Prima v2 (December 10, 2020):
- Cherry Plugins removed;
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.0 compatible;
- WordPress 5.6 compatible.
Prima v1.1 (January 17, 2017):
- Design face lifting;
- Framework update;
- Power builder integration;
- Minor bug fixes.
46 Reviews for this product
I'm a developer! my english is bad. sorry about that! Template very good! I was able to install without problems and the issue is quite simple. I recommend it to everyone. Thank you, Fernando Mendes -- Original language: Sou desenvolvedor! meu ingles é mal. desculpe por isso! Template muito bom! Consegui fazer a instalação sem problemas e a edição é bem simples. Recomendo a todos. Obrigado, Fernando Mendes
The product is very good, I really liked the ease of use, I believe that users of all technical levels can get a lot of benefit
O produto é muito bom, gostei bastante da facilidade de uso, acredito que usuarios de todos os niveis tecnicos conseguem obter bastante proveito
Minimalistyczny i zarazem bardzo efektowny szablon. Praca z nim jest łatwa i przyjemna. Instalacja wersji demo bez problemu. Obsługa szablonu jest na tyle prosta i intuicyjna, że spokojnie poradzi sobie z nią osoba, która nie ma doświadczenia w tworzeniu stron. Jedynym minusem jest fakt, że w portfolio filtrowane są tylko zdjęcia znajdujące się na bieżącej podstronie a nie wszystkie znajdujące się w galerii. Generalnie polecam!
The installation of this template gave me a lot of headaches. it didn't come with all plugin needed for this template.
Also, the zip file is confusing since it shows that two themes are included -old and new. Fortunately, the support group were very helpful and help me to install this template.
If you are new in WORDPRESS, I suggest you purchase installation support along with this template!
Just purchased this template.... After taking some time to configure wp on our server we were able to amend this top quality template very easily.
What is not clear on purchasing is that we needed to use to allow us to upload the theme and uploading wp to our hosting server. Although in the end our cPanel had a wp app that was more straightforward. If I was a one-time user of this template I would suggest getting this set up by template monster as one of their extras for $49 (or whatever it is). I will be using this template over a few sites and wanted to know how to set it up.
Great template. Looks really professional and so far I have found it very easy to edit. When the time comes to get a new template I will certainly use template monster again.
Thank you for your feedback.
If you want to use this template for a few sites you have to buy the Developer's License. For more detailed information you can contact our live chat -
Template kupilem dla znajomych, ten template jest: -nowoczesny -prosty -przejrzysty. Na codzień, zajmuję się reklamą i od czasu do czasu tworzę proste strony dla swoich klientów, znajomych - zazwyczaj bazuje na gotowych szablonach i czesto korzystam z szablonów na templatemonster, co ułatwia prace oraz skraca postawienie strony. Będzie to strona marki wlasnej. Ten szablon akurat będzie wykorzystany dla strony znajomych. strona jest pod adresem: By przydało się wicej rabatów dla stałych klientów ;) Jak najbardziej polecam ten produkt, dla wszystkich odbiorców od amatorów po pro. Tak, kontaktowałem się. Ocena 5/5 :)
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