Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template

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Created: Apr 6, 2017

Updated: May 19, 2020

ID: 62226

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Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 1Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 2Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 3Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 4Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 5Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 6Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 7Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 8Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 9Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 10Jedi - Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template - Features Image 11

Creative Multipurpose Joomla Theme

A creative multipurpose Joomla theme is an all-in-one solution that can be suitable for almost any website. Such a theme can give your website a visual and functional boost, making it attractive and easy-to-use for your clients. Moreover, it can help you establish a reliable and trustworthy website. And in the modern age, it means a lot if you want to outrank your competitors. With this in mind, we have created the Joomla theme you need.

We recommend you check out the Jedi Joomla theme. It is one of those themes that allows you to create a good website. Our solution will help you make your website SEO-friendly and responsive. It is possible due to the theme's well-made structure based on the Bootstrap framework. Also, instead of creating a website from scratch, using our Joomla theme can save money and time for your business or startup.

Creative Multipurpose Joomla Theme with Lots of Features

First of all, let's take a look at the design of the Jedi creative multipurpose Joomla theme. It is bright and clean to help you highlight the most important information. At the same time, Jedi is creative and eye-catchy. It also has an easy-to-understand structure that allows you to provide clients with intuitive navigation. It also has social options, a full set of social icons and styling options. Its other benefits include:

  1. Variety of headers & footers;
  2. Social icons & newsletter;
  3. Pricing tables;
  4. Megamenu;
  5. Advanced search;
  6. Testimonials.

There are also multiple headers and footers. However, the usefulness of this creative multipurpose Joomla theme doesn't end here. This theme is multipage and you can check all its pages in a demo. With their help, you can tell more about your company and your team. Also, you can post the latest news in the blog or add contacts to the contact page. There is even a page for appointments. And of course, there is a portfolio page, developed to present your skill and previous projects.

Best Joomla Theme for Online Stores

In addition, Jedi creative multipurpose Joomla theme has integrated e-commerce features. They will be useful if you want to create an online store. With the help of these features, you can inform your customers about the product range of your store. Also, Jedi includes pre-designed pages with information about shipping and checkout procedures. All this makes our Joomla theme perfect for online stores as well.

Jedi Joomla theme is easy to install and manage. Thanks to the simple yet detailed documentation, our theme can be set up in a few clicks. And such a powerful CMS as Joomla will make your work smooth and easy. However, if you have any questions, you can always consult our 24/7 support team. They are highly qualified professionals that are always ready to help you. We hope that our new theme for Joomla will elevate your business to new heights.

27 Reviews for this product

ich war sehr zufrieden mit dem Template, sehr einfach einzusetzen. Auch die Rückfrage beim Support lies nicht lange auf eine Antwort warten , wir hatten das Problem sofort beseitigen können, alles in allem würde ich sofort wieder bei Templatemonster einkaufen.
Responsywność i jakość kodu jakim został napisany szablon jest zdecydowanie dużą zaletą tego produktu. Polecam zakup szablonu każdemu kto chcę przygotować dobrze działająco i świetnie wyglądającą stronę internetową. Dzięki dołączonemu layoutowi PSD każdy w bardzo prosty sposób będzie mógł zmodyfikować dowolny element graficzny. Podsumowując, bardzo dobrze przygotowany szablon, który można wykorzystać dla każdego biznesu.
Хороший шаблон с поддержкой популярных расширений: VirtueMart, Kunena, Komento, JoomGallery и т.д. Адаптивный дизайн. Есть много предварительно настроенных страниц типа: цены, отзывы, о компании, контакты и т.д. Отлично подходит для создания лендингов, сайтов-визиток, сайтов фирм, блогов, форумов и интернет-магазинов. В стоимость входит Быстрый старт. Также в комплекте с шаблоном идёт несколько десятков расширений (компонентов, модулей и плагинов).
Das Template ist sehr komportabel und recht gut zu installieren. Besonders als full package. Die zusätze wie Sprachen oder andere Addons werden innerhalb von wenigen Tagen von den Programmierern integriet. Die Farbanpassung über custom CSS ist recht gut möglich aber auch die Möglichkeiten die Seite für alle möglichen Anwendungsfälle zu customizen ist schier riesig. Vieleicht etwas viel für Anfänger aber für jemanden der schon einmal mit Joomla gearbeitet hat perfekt. Also alles in Allem würde ich sagen, Daumen hoch. Darauf lässt sich was machen. Vor allem mit den Must have Plugins und support. Welcher auch per Chat ziemlich gut funktioniert.
A very powerful template with lot of features ! The support is very effective and quick also, thanks a lot !

3 Comments for this product

Hi, This Template will be Joomla 4.0 complient? Price one shoot? No Additionnal fees? Regards
Hi I was considering buying a joomla template. Am I able to use the template on any website or do I have to use Joomla with the template?
Thank you for your comment. You will be able to use this website with Joomla CMS only.
Just wondering if the single site license includes a quickstart package or if it is just the template?
Hello, Dave! Thank you for your question. Single site license for Joomla template includes quickstart package. Have a nice day!

About Author

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Customer Support

4.1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Related Topics:

Business & Services

Bootstrap Version:


Gallery Script:

Joomla! Compatibility:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: